Open Gym will be closed on 4-5-25 for a private event.
Open Gym will be closed on 4-5-25 for a private event.
Gold Country Gymnastics Policies
Membership Fee – There is an annual gymnast Membership Fee of $60 (one child) $90 (multiple children) Membership Fees will be charged every year on your enrollment anniversary date and provide the following discounts:
Family/Multi Class Discount – we offer a 15% sibling/multi-class discount on tuition for all families. The highest tuition will be billed at full price, with all subsequent tuitions discounted by 15%.
Birthday Parties & Summer Camp Discount – We offer a $25 discount per child on parties & summer camp weeks.
Money Back Guarantee – Children need a chance to acclimate to classes and we therefore request that students and parents commit to one full month of classes. If, after the first month of gymnastics, you are not satisfied and do not wish to continue enrolling your child in a class, we will offer you a full refund of your membership fees paid.
Tuition – Tuition is due on the 1st of every month. If payment is not received by the 10th, we run all credit cards on file that are not on autopay. After the 10th of the month a $25 late fee will be applied and each month thereafter until balance is paid in full. If tuition is not paid by the 15th of the month and student has not shown up for class, student will be considered dropped and will lose their spot in class. If you need assistance for unforeseen circumstances, please contact the gym to discuss a payment plan. To avoid late charges, please feel free to register your credit card with the office for automatic payment. A 3% surcharge is added to all credit/debit card payments. You may pay by cash or check in the office to avoid this fee.
Dropping Off – Gymnasts may not be dropped off more than 15 minutes prior to their scheduled class time and must be picked up within 15 minutes of the end of their class time. Siblings with classes on the same days but at different times may not be left unattended at any time. Gymnasts are expected to remain inside the gym before and after class. They MAY NOT wait in the parking lot. We cannot be responsible for children that are not inside the gym. Please review this policy with your children.
Class Procedures– gymnasts are not to enter the gym floors unless accompanied by a coach. Please arrive on-time so that your child will be ready when the coach calls the class out to the floor. Warm-up is an important part of all gymnastics classes. To prevent injury, students must participate in warm-up. If a child is more than 15 minutes late for class, they may be asked not to participate in class that day. No refund will be given. PARENTS ARE NOT ALLOWED ON THE FLOOR AT ANY TIME (with the exception of Mini Me classes). See the office if you need assistance.
Make-Up Classes – Make-up classes are subject to availability, are not guaranteed and must be pre-registered. Team and pre-team gymnasts do not receive make-up classes as holiday closures often require team practice. Child must be currently enrolled to schedule make-up classes.
Attire – Proper gym attire must be worn at all times. Girls should wear a leotard (no attached skirts). Boys should wear shorts (no jeans, no snaps, no zippers) without pockets and a t-shirt. All gymnasts (boys and girls) must have hair pulled back away from their face. Socks and shoes are not permitted for gymnasts.
Water – Gymnasts must remain hydrated and should come to gym with a water bottle each day. If gymnasts do not have a water bottle, they will be given one and the cost of $1.00 will be charged to your account.
Holidays – GCG will be closed for certain holiday days and holiday weeks. See our Holiday Schedule on our website. Class prices are based on a twelve-month schedule with some months having 5 weeks. No discounts or make-up classes are given for closed weeks. We will periodically offer specialized camps during these holidays and additional extra classes during summer months.
Snow/Power Outage Days – In general, we follow the Grass Valley School District in determining if it will be a snow day or power outage day. It will be posted on our Facebook page and Website if we do call a snow/power outage day. There are no make-ups for these days until after the 3rd instance. See above regarding make-up classes.
Dropping Classes - We require a 2-week written notice to drop a class. Notice can be sent to Failure to provide 2-week written notice may result in tuition charges.
Vacations/Time-Off – All families may take two class days per year off, free of tuition, which must be requested in writing and remaining two class days of the month must be paid. If you choose to take more than two classes off un-paid you will be considered dropped from your classes and your space cannot be held.
Behavior – no foul language, hitting, or aggressive, confrontational behavior will be tolerated and students exhibiting such behavior will be removed from class and a parent will be contacted.
Illness – If you child is ill, has a fever, or has had a fever in the past 24-hours, please refrain from attending gym. Call to let us know and schedule a make-up class.
Updated 1-1-25